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February 2024 winner- Corey Poole

Corey Poole - PhyEd Teacher - Franklin Middle School


There were two people who nominated Mr. Poole this is what they wrote.....

"He is a great male teacher role model for our kids who need one. He is honest but kind, he notices when a student is going through a tough time and reaches out to the people who need to know, and the kids think he is hilarious. He keeps a meeting light-hearted but also knows his kids and knows how to do his job well. Pooley is very deserving of this."

"I would love to nominate Corey Poole. He has had both of the children and they love him! I have subbed at FMS and have been in his class. He is amazing with the kids, and makes them all feel valued and important. He has a special bond with the children in special ed and makes sure they are always included. Outside of school if he sees my son he makes sure to come and visit with him. He is a gem and we appreciate him so much."

Congratulations Mr. Poole!

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