- Augmentative & alternative communication devices for students who are unable to communicate orally
- Breakout EDU kits
- Start-up golf curriculum and equipment for beginning golfers with disasbilities
- 6 ipads with cases for hearing and vision screenings
- 2-day visit/concert with Mark Wood
- SmartBoard for ALC
- Guest artist Mark Wood and "Electrify Your Strings"
- Digital camera for ALC
- Junior Golf
- Academic Boosters Club
- Health Careers & School Nursing needs
- Defibrillators
- Special Education
- Audio Enhancement stations
- Multimedia projector
- SuperSwitchEnsemble music program
- MAEF Publicity for Academic Boosters Club
- Donation to the Chess Club for the Annual Chess Tournament
- Canvas Painting Supplies for the Summer "Free Kids Canvas Painting" program
- Jr. Golf