Lincoln High School
- Scaffolding for house building
- Aprons, laundry bags and pasta roller sets
- Pro Plate Load Leg Curl & 2 Squat Stools
- Alternative classroom seating
- Makerspace
- Portable school store
- 4 stand-up workstations & 6 active learning stools
- MANIKEN bundle
- VEX robotics team supplies
- Alternative seating options
- 2 utility carts & 9 recycling bins for Job Skills class
- Tools & equpment for building classes
- Sinks, an oven, deep fryer and portioning tools for FACS
- Vernier data collection probeware for Science classrooms
- 5 advanced compound light microscopes
- Document camera
- 65 pair of Sony - Noise Canceling Headphones
- Paper shredder for job skills program
- 3 Tablet Monitors anad adaptors for Art Classroom
- 5 Document cameras for Math Department
- Culinary Club
- Literature by Minnesota American Indian authors
- 2 Wacom Intuos Pro Pen & Touch Large Tablets
- Tuba and case
- College application materials
- 3 Electronic balances & 3 electronic hotplates
- Marching Brass Instruments
- Hi Def LCD Monitor for Music Department
- 32 Compound Light Microscopes
- iMac computer with 27" screen
- Drum Shield Kit
- 10 iPads, cases and Apple TV for Geography Department
- TRFitness class equipment: DVDs, ROGUE Sandbags and Battling Ropes
- Double French Horn
- iPod Touches for English classroom
- Graphing calculators
- FFA Jackets
- River City 6 Master Class
- "Motivating Students: 25 Strategies to LIght the Fire of Engagement" by Nicole Vagle
- Portable cordless handheld microphones
- iMac computers for yearbook staff
- SmartBoard for Health/PE Department
- Trophy case
- Books
- SmartBoard for special education department
- Band jackets
- International Science Fair Trip
- Classroom set of Vernier Labquest equipment
- Close-Up Program 2005-2013
- DVDs for Family & Consumer Science Department
- FFA Project
- IPods
- Universal Air-Hydraulic tubing bender
- 5 SmartBoards for Math Department
- 2 computers for Peer Tutoring classroom
- SmartBoard for Jay Forney's classroom
- Metric measuring equipment
- 2 audio enhancement systems
- Classroom Jeopardy System
- Music Lab upgrade
- World Language Lab
- Language Department
- Books on critical theory, poetry and novels for Literature Circles
- Shades for cafeteria
- Technology for FFA Contests
- Apple G-4 laptop computer equipment for Physics, Chemistry and Astronomy
- Artist residency with gospel choir
- LCD Projector, cart, speakers & DVD/VHS player
- 3 sewing machines and feet for quilting
- Auditory sound systems
- Wireless Mobile Learning Lab for ALC
- Technology for Applied Communications
- Phy Ed curriculum delivery system
- Chess materials
- Graphing calculators
- Selmer Oboe
- Computer for FFA program
- Support materials for FFA career development events
- Portable auditory sound systems
- Plasma CAM cutting machine/software for Industrial Arts
- Leveled Novels/Books for ALC
- Knowledge Bowl Project Box
- 2006 LHS Choir Concert
- International Science Fair
- Multimedia projector
- iBook Wireless Mobile lab
- Honor Society Convention
- NY Choir Tour
- 2 TVs, 2 mounts, 1 DVD/VCR player
- Air Plasma Cutting System for Industrial Arts
- African-American project
- Digital camera
- Agronomy Insect Set
- Marching baritone
- Graphic calculators, probes & other accessories
- Wind Emsemble
- NSC First Aid Textbooks & Torso Model
- Support materials for FFA
- Blood Pressure Cuffs & Basic Life Support Healthcare Providers Textbook
- LabPro Units
- Vernier LabPro units and sensor probes
- Manual bender for Industrial Arts
- Cassette tape recorders
- Bach Double French Horn
- Multimedia workstation
- Critical Care Jerry Model
- LabPro data units
- Choir performance tour
- Career Center Materials
- CPR Mannequins
- String Bass
- IBM Computers for Industrial Arts
- Wind Ensemble trip to New Orleans
- Passing the MN Basic Standards Test in Reading
- Music for Butterfly Project
- Laptop computer for Marketing & DECA students
- Multi-media Interdisciplinary Project
- Greenhouse structure
- Graphing calculators & LCD panel
- Calculator Based Lab Equipment
- Laptop computer & software for Science Fair students
- Choir trip to NYC
- Agricultural resource materials for media center
- Set of Calculator Based Lab Equipment
- Computer for Media Center
- Calculator Based Lab Equipment
- Engines & manuals for Industrial Arts
- Grow Cart for Agriculture program
- Wind Ensemble trip to Chicago
- Marimba
- Graphing calculators
- Pay off leases for 3 cellos and 1 bass
- Calculator Based Lab equipment partial grant
- Timpani partial grant
- Tutorial services for multi-cultural student services
- Rental for 3 cellos and 1 bass
- Computer for Career Center
- Computer & equipment for Graphic Arts Course
- 2 Sousaphones
- Science Fair
- "Book of Quarter" books & testing discs
- Student Senate National Convention partial grant
- Music Theory Advanced Placement tests
- Accelerated Reading
- Harmony Bridge Program in the Band Department
- 5 Blenders & 2 Immersion Blenders for FACS classes
- Chris Herren Speech on Substance Abuse
- Graphing Calculators
- Dairy & Sheep Learning Lab Kits
- 3D Printer
- Flexible Seating for Literature Department
- Adulting 101 Curriculum
- Media Center Audio/Projection/Light System
- Special Olympic Bowling Set
- Flexible Seating in the SPEED Classroom
- VEX Robotics
- Breaking Banners for the May Concert in the Choir Department
- FACS Department Improvements
- Pi Kits
- Choir Booster Donation
- Key Club Donation
- 1st Robotics
Franklin Middle School
- Binoculars for 7th grade bird watching
- Book Wonder for novel study
- Improved sound system for media center
- Flexible seating for three classrooms
- Supplies for Exploratory Greenhouse class
- Tellagami Edu app for student iPads
- Read-Alouds, novel unit, and engaging activites for special education resource room
- Scholastic Book Fair
- Structured break space for teens with exteme stress
- SmartMusic software for student's iPads
- Apps for student iPads
- Squid dissection kits
- Flexible seating options for three classrooms
- Classroom set of Lego Mindstorms EV3 robotics
- Scholastic Books
- 15 sets of snowshoes for DAPE students
- FIsh breeding tank for 7th grade LIfe Science Classroom
- Read 180 program expanded to 7th grade
- 6 Glider bikes and helmets
- Project funds for FACS classes
- Apple TVs
- READ 180
- Smart Music iPad apps
- iPad cases, cart, apps and Apple TV for Amy Brandt's 7th grade math classroom
- 30 iPads, covers & cart for 7th grade life science
- Smart Response PE Interactive Response System
- Infant Simulators
- Hand-held GPS Units and iGIS
- Scholastic Books
- Projector for band room
- Ph Ed sound system
- "Motivating Students: 25 Strategies to Light the Fire of Engagement" by Nicole Vagle
- Tools
- Mobile lab of 20 computers
- SmartBoard for Health
- Graphing calculagtors
- Photoshop licenses
- 2 SmartBoards for Communications Department
- Music literacy curriculum CD
- Video Library for Family & Consumer Science Department
- Toon Boom animation program for technology curriculum
- 5 SmartBoards for Math Department
- SmartBoards for Science Department
- Scholastic Books
- 5 SmartBoards for Special Education
- 4 computers for Special Education
- Student model vibraphone
- 2 SmartBoards for Communications Department
- Auditory Sound System for 8th grade Science room
- Books to demonstrate the 6 Traits of Writing
- Stage curtains & track
- Tennis Court project
- Special Education classroom wall
- Auditory Sound System
- Literature Circle Books
- Sunrise SInger outfits
- Accelerated Reading Program
- Drum set cases
- Destination ImagiNation Global Finals
- Headset microphones
- Chimes
- Travelmaster Acoustical Shell
- "Broadway Junior" musical license and materials
- Mac PowerBook Computer
- Accelerated Reading Program books
- Sunrise Singer outfits
- Graphing calculators
- Tuba
- Digital camera
- String bass and bow
- Paperback novels for Summer School reading program
- Legos battery packs
- Skills Intervention Kit
- Materials for Student Support Services
- Musical theater supplies
- Krause Greenhouse
- Cassette players & headphones
- Jamestown Signature Reading series & Grand Forks Herald newspaper
- Accelerated Reading program books, discs & tests
- Spanish curriculum classroom resources
- Star & Tribune Newspaper in the classroom program
- Science Fair
- Parent Education Resource Center
- Accelerated Reading Books
- EBD Resource Room CDs
- Apple Scanner
- Lego program license
- Thesauri
- Lego Kits
- Band Instruments in the Band Department
- Makerspace Equipment in the Media Center
- Chris Herren Speech on Substance Abuse
- FITT Equipment in the PE/Health department
- Book Fair
- Choices Magazine for Health Department
- Books to Complete Series in Media Center
- Special Olympic Bowling Set
- Math Curriculum
- Read 180 Program
- Instruments in the Band Department
Challenger Elementary School
- 8 classroom sets of iPad stylus for kindergarten
- Magnetic boards and magnets
- Stand-up Magnetic Write and Wipe Center
- Lakeshore Learning File Folder Libraries
- Building Language Photo Library
- Supplemental resources for Postive Behavior Intervention Supports program
- Guitars
- English language program storage
- Apps for Kindergarten iPads
- Books for Dolly Parton Imagination library
- 35 Safeco standing desks and stools
- Alternative seating for 1st grade classrooms
- Books in memory of Roger Heyn, Fred Dallmann, Stan Sjoberg and Eunice Flynn
- Alternative seating options for 3rd grade classrooms
- 200 headphones for 1st grade classrooms
- 6 Ozobot robots
- Sensory equipment for Autism classroom
- Wood to make step stool platforms for interactive whiteboards for 1st grade classrooms
- 12 LEGO Education WeDo 2.0 sets for 1st grade classrooms
- alternative/flexible seating options for 4th grade classrooms
- Classroom set of Sphero (robotic computer programming device)
- Scholastic Books
- 3D Doodle Pens
- Guided reading books for 1st grade classrooms
- Summer reading and non-fiction books for struggling readers
- Resources for Positive Behavior Intervention Supports program
- "The Learning Station" with Don Monopoli Productions
- 10 iPad Minis and cases for ECFE & School Readiness
- Artist in residence and art show
- Interactive Read Aloud Books
- 2 3D printers
- Headphones
- Non-fiction guided reading books
- Updated books for independent reading libraries
- Orienteering couse equipment
- 30 iPads, covers and apps for Science Department
- Lucy Culkins Primary Writing Units of Study
- SmartBoard & accessories for School Readiness Classroom
- Primary Comprehension Toolkit for 1st grade teachers
- Title 1 Student Summer library books
- Snowshoes
- Legos for engineering standard requirement
- SmartBoard for Kayla Delzer's classroom
- Guided reading books
- Units of Study for teaching reading
- Leveled literacy intervention kit for primary levels
- SmartBoards and projectors
- "Motivating Students: 25 Strategies for light the Fire of Engagement" by Nicole Vagle
- Poetry books
- Mobile Computer Lab
- Books that focus on social-emotional development
- Leveled Literacy Intervention Kit
- Guided reading books
- Bean bag chairs for special education department
- Financial software
- MN Children's Museum Discovery Trunk rental
- Family School Program
- Touch Unit Kit
- Pro Grade Dance System
- 3 LCD projectors
- Building Language Together books
- Literacy Collaborative Books
- Poetry books
- Water boots, dryers & sticky slides for outdoor learning lab
- 6 Traits of writing books
- Rainbow Connection curriculum for ECFE
- Mosaic Poetry Project
- Literacy Collaborative Project
- Literacy Centers
- Project Wisdom
- Literacy School Reform Project
- Take home kits/books
- Microscopes
- MathFacts Software
- Literacy Program
- Books
- SmartBoard
- Developmental Reading assessment for Grade 2
- Literacy Center
- Sensory Integration Materials
- Digital camera
- Leveled book sets
- Chess materials
- Kidspiration software & manuals
- Die-cut machine & block numbers
- Portable audio enhancement sound system
- Parent Friendly Kits
- Sept. 12th "We Knew Everything Would Be Alright" books
- Special Education workshop
- Dictionaries
- Audio Enhancement Systems
- Reading Recovery program books
- "At-promise" program
- Six Traits of Writing picture books
- Stereomicroscopes
- Guided Reading Book sets
- Chapter books for the Guided Reading Program
- Audio Enhancement system
- Seeds & Plants
- Digital camera
- Magazine files
- "At-risk" program
- RightStart math curriculum
- Accelerated Reader program quiz discs
- Digital camera scanner
- "Second Step" curriculum
- Adjustable tables
- Reading books for Kindergarten students & parents
- Get On Track reading program books
- Computer & table
- Heartwood Ethics curriculum
- K-1 Art Days
- Artist in residency
- Language & cultural diversity books for Media Center
- SRA Reading Laboratories
- Creative Arts Program
- Math Facts Die
- Traveling Turtle Project
- Junior Great Books program training
- Artist in residency partial grant
- Signs & birdhouses for walking trail
- Accelerated Reading Program
- Enrichment Kits
- Reading Styles Inventory
- "From Agassiz to Zeh"
- Parent Sharing Book Program
- Ant Farm for language development
- Aquarium for language development
- Artist in residence
- Safety Town
- Listening Center
- Junior Great Books
- CLIMB Theatre Program
- Classroom Rugs
- Qballs in the classrooms
- "Life Experience Activity Areas" for preschool classes
- 2 Ceiling Projectors & Sound System
- Chris Herren Speech on Substance Abuse
- Robotics Program for 3rd-5th Grade
- Book Fair
- Guided Reading Books
- Special Olympic Bowling Set
- Welch Allyn Spot Vision Screener in the Preschool Department
- Headphones and Storage
- Hardcover Books for PBIS
- Sensory Kits
- Augmentative & alternative communication devices for students who are unable to communicate orally
- Breakout EDU kits
- Start-up golf curriculum and equipment for beginning golfers with disasbilities
- 6 ipads with cases for hearing and vision screenings
- 2-day visit/concert with Mark Wood
- SmartBoard for ALC
- Guest artist Mark Wood and "Electrify Your Strings"
- Digital camera for ALC
- Junior Golf
- Academic Boosters Club
- Health Careers & School Nursing needs
- Defibrillators
- Special Education
- Audio Enhancement stations
- Multimedia projector
- SuperSwitchEnsemble music program
- MAEF Publicity for Academic Boosters Club
- Donation to the Chess Club for the Annual Chess Tournament
- Canvas Painting Supplies for the Summer "Free Kids Canvas Painting" program
- Jr. Golf