- Binoculars for 7th grade bird watching
- Book Wonder for novel study
- Improved sound system for media center
- Flexible seating for three classrooms
- Supplies for Exploratory Greenhouse class
- Tellagami Edu app for student iPads
- Read-Alouds, novel unit, and engaging activites for special education resource room
- Scholastic Book Fair
- Structured break space for teens with exteme stress
- SmartMusic software for student's iPads
- Apps for student iPads
- Squid dissection kits
- Flexible seating options for three classrooms
- Classroom set of Lego Mindstorms EV3 robotics
- Scholastic Books
- 15 sets of snowshoes for DAPE students
- FIsh breeding tank for 7th grade LIfe Science Classroom
- Read 180 program expanded to 7th grade
- 6 Glider bikes and helmets
- Project funds for FACS classes
- Apple TVs
- READ 180
- Smart Music iPad apps
- iPad cases, cart, apps and Apple TV for Amy Brandt's 7th grade math classroom
- 30 iPads, covers & cart for 7th grade life science
- Smart Response PE Interactive Response System
- Infant Simulators
- Hand-held GPS Units and iGIS
- Scholastic Books
- Projector for band room
- Ph Ed sound system
- "Motivating Students: 25 Strategies to Light the Fire of Engagement" by Nicole Vagle
- Tools
- Mobile lab of 20 computers
- SmartBoard for Health
- Graphing calculagtors
- Photoshop licenses
- 2 SmartBoards for Communications Department
- Music literacy curriculum CD
- Video Library for Family & Consumer Science Department
- Toon Boom animation program for technology curriculum
- 5 SmartBoards for Math Department
- SmartBoards for Science Department
- Scholastic Books
- 5 SmartBoards for Special Education
- 4 computers for Special Education
- Student model vibraphone
- 2 SmartBoards for Communications Department
- Auditory Sound System for 8th grade Science room
- Books to demonstrate the 6 Traits of Writing
- Stage curtains & track
- Tennis Court project
- Special Education classroom wall
- Auditory Sound System
- Literature Circle Books
- Sunrise SInger outfits
- Accelerated Reading Program
- Drum set cases
- Destination ImagiNation Global Finals
- Headset microphones
- Chimes
- Travelmaster Acoustical Shell
- "Broadway Junior" musical license and materials
- Mac PowerBook Computer
- Accelerated Reading Program books
- Sunrise Singer outfits
- Graphing calculators
- Tuba
- Digital camera
- String bass and bow
- Paperback novels for Summer School reading program
- Legos battery packs
- Skills Intervention Kit
- Materials for Student Support Services
- Musical theater supplies
- Krause Greenhouse
- Cassette players & headphones
- Jamestown Signature Reading series & Grand Forks Herald newspaper
- Accelerated Reading program books, discs & tests
- Spanish curriculum classroom resources
- Star & Tribune Newspaper in the classroom program
- Science Fair
- Parent Education Resource Center
- Accelerated Reading Books
- EBD Resource Room CDs
- Apple Scanner
- Lego program license
- Thesauri
- Lego Kits
- Band Instruments in the Band Department
- Makerspace Equipment in the Media Center
- Chris Herren Speech on Substance Abuse
- FITT Equipment in the PE/Health department
- Book Fair
- Choices Magazine for Health Department
- Books to Complete Series in Media Center
- Special Olympic Bowling Set
- Math Curriculum
- Read 180 Program
- Instruments in the Band Department