- 8 classroom sets of iPad stylus for kindergarten
- Magnetic boards and magnets
- Stand-up Magnetic Write and Wipe Center
- Lakeshore Learning File Folder Libraries
- Building Language Photo Library
- Supplemental resources for Postive Behavior Intervention Supports program
- Guitars
- English language program storage
- Apps for Kindergarten iPads
- Books for Dolly Parton Imagination library
- 35 Safeco standing desks and stools
- Alternative seating for 1st grade classrooms
- Books in memory of Roger Heyn, Fred Dallmann, Stan Sjoberg and Eunice Flynn
- Alternative seating options for 3rd grade classrooms
- 200 headphones for 1st grade classrooms
- 6 Ozobot robots
- Sensory equipment for Autism classroom
- Wood to make step stool platforms for interactive whiteboards for 1st grade classrooms
- 12 LEGO Education WeDo 2.0 sets for 1st grade classrooms
- alternative/flexible seating options for 4th grade classrooms
- Classroom set of Sphero (robotic computer programming device)
- Scholastic Books
- 3D Doodle Pens
- Guided reading books for 1st grade classrooms
- Summer reading and non-fiction books for struggling readers
- Resources for Positive Behavior Intervention Supports program
- "The Learning Station" with Don Monopoli Productions
- 10 iPad Minis and cases for ECFE & School Readiness
- Artist in residence and art show
- Interactive Read Aloud Books
- 2 3D printers
- Headphones
- Non-fiction guided reading books
- Updated books for independent reading libraries
- Orienteering couse equipment
- 30 iPads, covers and apps for Science Department
- Lucy Culkins Primary Writing Units of Study
- SmartBoard & accessories for School Readiness Classroom
- Primary Comprehension Toolkit for 1st grade teachers
- Title 1 Student Summer library books
- Snowshoes
- Legos for engineering standard requirement
- SmartBoard for Kayla Delzer's classroom
- Guided reading books
- Units of Study for teaching reading
- Leveled literacy intervention kit for primary levels
- SmartBoards and projectors
- "Motivating Students: 25 Strategies for light the Fire of Engagement" by Nicole Vagle
- Poetry books
- Mobile Computer Lab
- Books that focus on social-emotional development
- Leveled Literacy Intervention Kit
- Guided reading books
- Bean bag chairs for special education department
- Financial software
- MN Children's Museum Discovery Trunk rental
- Family School Program
- Touch Unit Kit
- Pro Grade Dance System
- 3 LCD projectors
- Building Language Together books
- Literacy Collaborative Books
- Poetry books
- Water boots, dryers & sticky slides for outdoor learning lab
- 6 Traits of writing books
- Rainbow Connection curriculum for ECFE
- Mosaic Poetry Project
- Literacy Collaborative Project
- Literacy Centers
- Project Wisdom
- Literacy School Reform Project
- Take home kits/books
- Microscopes
- MathFacts Software
- Literacy Program
- Books
- SmartBoard
- Developmental Reading assessment for Grade 2
- Literacy Center
- Sensory Integration Materials
- Digital camera
- Leveled book sets
- Chess materials
- Kidspiration software & manuals
- Die-cut machine & block numbers
- Portable audio enhancement sound system
- Parent Friendly Kits
- Sept. 12th "We Knew Everything Would Be Alright" books
- Special Education workshop
- Dictionaries
- Audio Enhancement Systems
- Reading Recovery program books
- "At-promise" program
- Six Traits of Writing picture books
- Stereomicroscopes
- Guided Reading Book sets
- Chapter books for the Guided Reading Program
- Audio Enhancement system
- Seeds & Plants
- Digital camera
- Magazine files
- "At-risk" program
- RightStart math curriculum
- Accelerated Reader program quiz discs
- Digital camera scanner
- "Second Step" curriculum
- Adjustable tables
- Reading books for Kindergarten students & parents
- Get On Track reading program books
- Computer & table
- Heartwood Ethics curriculum
- K-1 Art Days
- Artist in residency
- Language & cultural diversity books for Media Center
- SRA Reading Laboratories
- Creative Arts Program
- Math Facts Die
- Traveling Turtle Project
- Junior Great Books program training
- Artist in residency partial grant
- Signs & birdhouses for walking trail
- Accelerated Reading Program
- Enrichment Kits
- Reading Styles Inventory
- "From Agassiz to Zeh"
- Parent Sharing Book Program
- Ant Farm for language development
- Aquarium for language development
- Artist in residence
- Safety Town
- Listening Center
- Junior Great Books
- CLIMB Theatre Program
- Classroom Rugs
- Qballs in the classrooms
- "Life Experience Activity Areas" for preschool classes
- 2 Ceiling Projectors & Sound System
- Chris Herren Speech on Substance Abuse
- Robotics Program for 3rd-5th Grade
- Book Fair
- Guided Reading Books
- Special Olympic Bowling Set
- Welch Allyn Spot Vision Screener in the Preschool Department
- Headphones and Storage
- Hardcover Books for PBIS
- Sensory Kits