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Class of 1990 Nicole Knutson Memorial Endowment

Nicole was the president of the Lincoln High School Class of 1990 and tragically an asthma attack claimed her life days before her high school graduation.  The new asthma medications and advanced treatments were not yet available.  If these had been available, Nicole could be with us today.  Nicole had a positive outlook on life, loved people and believed that everyone needed a friend.

The Class of 1990 had money left in their treasury at the end of their senior year.  The class advisor said Nicole kept saying we have to do something with this money that makes a difference in someone’s life.  She did not want to “just spend it.”  After this tragedy they started the Nicole Knutson Memorial Scholarship with the money.  When the money was gone Nicole’s family took over the funding.

The year 2000 came for the 10-year reunion of the class of 1990.  This very thoughtful class did a 5K run in Nicole’s memory and again funded the Scholarship.  They are hoping for an annual 5K.  It was the class of 1990, 1993 and many other Lincoln High School alumni that kept us, as family, grounded to life after this loss.  They brought us sunshine during a storm and gave truth to Nicole’s saying that “everyone needs a friend.”  This scholarship honors Nicole and the class of 1990.  She is still “that friend.

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